Say Yes

Livewell’s model is my niece, Natalie. A black woman who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Over the last few months, Natalie has rightly challenged me on how I, her aunt and the founder of Livewell, will show up for her. She has rightly challenged me to be specific and to be more proactive in support of an anti racist world. I start by  “saying yes.” I say yes to reading and listening more. To reflecting more and challenging what is comfortable in my daily life, starting here on LW’s blog.

When I get a little stuck or start to feel complacent, I reread what Natalie shared with me a few weeks ago. This passage holds me accountable to digging deeper and “saying yes” to the conversation in my head and heart to do more. I hope this will inspire you, too. ...

"Aunt Claire,

Being non-racist is not enough. We have to be anti-racist. So how can you show up everyday and spread love? 

By educating yourself. Research is love.

By taking a hard look in the mirror about the privileges your race has afforded you. Reflection is love.

By using your voice to speak on behalf of those who have been silenced. Advocacy is love.

By sitting down for those tough dinner conversations about race in America. Listening is love. 

By protecting Black and brown people the way you'd protect your own children. Family is love. 

X Natalie"


Looking back this month, on Livewell’s sixth anniversary, I realize that more than building an e-commerce business, this effort has been a process for me of understanding how I am going to show up in this wild world and spread love. It is about how I show up for friends, family, partners, customers ... I start when I say yes. 

X Claire

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